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New Themes

New Themes

Re: New FiveAlive theme

posts: 11 Hungary


Great job, the new themes looks really cool & fresh!

Some suggestions:
- the bottom bar background should be rounded imho, it would look nicer, maybe with a bit of shadow
- the bottom tpl is not changed on dev.two

Login bar:
- the "Password" is too close to the end of the "username" field
- the style of the username and the password input field is different, I think it should be in sync
- i think these 2 fields are too close to the site title

Left/right columns:
- I would put a smooth, delicate line on the side meeting the middle section to separate them a bit more visually

Feature admin area:
- I suggest to have white background and only the borders should have colors here

Mouseover pop-up tooltips:
- they have the same blue style in all fivealive variants (eg: user info popup on username)


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