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    SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 unknown table 'themes_tiki_org_main_665c002f43978' in delete request
New Themes

New Themes

Tikipedia (Php not working or something)..

posts: 1

Okay I'm new to this and well, I got everything up and running but when I try to install the theme I get this message

Warning: copy(mods/themes/tikipedia/theme/templates/styles/tikipedia/error.tpl) function.copy: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/****/public_html/wiki/lib/mods/modslib.php on line 375
themes/tikipedia/theme/templates/styles/tikipedia/error.tpl to templates/styles/tikipedia/error.tpl impossible to copy

I dont know what I've done wrong coz I've put everything in the correct directory, and that's all I've done.
Was I supposed to do anything else? I re-read the instructions lol, but I couldn't find anything 😕

posts: 254 Japan

I'm not sure what's going on with the installation via Admin Mods, so I suggest trying a manual install. Download the theme files from this site if you don't have them locally yet, and then use FTP to upload the theme files to the site's styles/ and templates/styles/ directories, as described on How To Add a New Theme and in the README-FIRST.txt file in the Tikipedia archive.

-- Gary


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