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Twist.css in themes.tw.o through IE8: columns hide but don't show up again

posts: 15 Catalan Countries

Hi again:

I've just realized also that if using Internet Explorer 8 to visit themes.tikiwiki.org while selecting twist.css theme style, the side columns can be hidden, but they can't show up again.

FYI... I don't know how to fix this myself...

posts: 254 Japan

Hi again:

I've just realized also that if using Internet Explorer 8 to visit themes.tikiwiki.org while selecting twist.css theme style, the side columns can be hidden, but they can't show up again.

FYI... I don't know how to fix this myself...


As with the andreas08 column problems, try switch IE8's compatibility view on, and see if this fixes the problem. It does for me.

-- Gary

posts: 15 Catalan Countries

Hi again:

I've just realized also that if using Internet Explorer 8 to visit themes.tikiwiki.org while selecting twist.css theme style, the side columns can be hidden, but they can't show up again.

FYI... I don't know how to fix this myself...


As with the andreas08 column problems, try switch IE8's compatibility view on, and see if this fixes the problem. It does for me.

-- Gary

Hi Gary:

I'll try that, next time I am in a computer with IE8 (not the case right now). Thanks!
(I didn't even know that such feature existed)


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